Meraki is always hiring for talented engineers. Seasonally, we also host current college students as interns in a few of our departments, including engineering. We recently sat down with Diane and Stephen (aka Greco), two current interns, to hear what their experience has been like.
Check out this podcast to hear the story straight from the interns! You’ll hear how Diane and Stephen describe the Meraki culture, what their experience in engineering has been like, and even some of the projects they’ve gotten to work on as part of the Systems Manager-specific team.
And of course, you will hear what they believe to be the Meraki Magic.
Both Diane and Greco heard about this internship opportunity through career fairs at their respective universities. After chatting with recruiters and learning more about the Meraki solution, they were intrigued and decided to apply. We’re happy they did! They, along with the dozen or so other engineering interns, have made valuable contributions to many projects over the past few months.
Greco, a student at Carnegie Mellon University
“I feel like Meraki tries to make us feel like full engineers…I come in every day and know what I have to do. We have code reviews like everyone else,” shared Greco. Diane agreed, saying “I also feel like a full-timer here. There’s an open office layout, so your entire team sits together. You get to work on really cool projects and the people are around you are very very accessible.”
Interns also have the opportunity to work with people from other departments throughout the summer. “During our team meetings, we have Support or Product team members there, telling us which projects we might be looking at next, and why we’re implementing these features,” said Diane. They’ve also been able to read feedback from customers through social media and word-of-mouth through the company. “Customers are usually appreciative and excited about new features we’ve implemented,” said Diane.
Diane, a rising senior at UC Berkeley
Diane and Greco both recommend this internship to current college students. As Greco put it, “This is my third internship in college, and I think this has definitely been my most enjoyable one, in terms of both what I’ve worked on, and the company itself.” He and Diane spoke to the friendly nature of the company, the wide range of collaborative after-work activities and hobbies, and other enjoyable work perks that have complemented a rewarding learning experience. “The team is small enough, so you have a lot of flexibility and independence…you get a lot of say in what you actually work on. In the end, you feel very fulfilled after this internship,” said Diane.
Check out the above podcast to hear the full story, and keep an eye on our jobs page for future opportunities to become involved with Meraki. Stay tuned for next week’s intern spotlight in support!
Diane and Greco enjoying some of the tasty perks in the Meraki kitchen.