Hybrid Workforce
Enable teams with superior performance no matter the environment.
From hybrid workforces to smarter workspaces, bring together technology and touchpoints to deliver exceptional experiences.
LEARN MOREDeliver exceptional experiences to people, places, and things with best-in-class Meraki technologies.
LEARN MOREThink beyond endpoint devices to all the people, places, and things connecting with the web.
Learn best practices, explore innovative solutions, and connect with others across the Meraki community.
From hybrid workforces to smarter workspaces, bring together technology and touchpoints to deliver exceptional experiences.
Deliver exceptional experiences to people, places, and things with best-in-class Meraki technologies.
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Think beyond endpoint devices to all the people, places, and things connecting with the web.
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数字化转型是一项业务战略,需要依赖强大的 IT 合作伙伴关系。数字化转型是指利用技术改善互连用户体验,提高员工的工作效率,加速决策; 部署数字化就绪网络已被证明是组织成功实现数字化转型的最关键要素。
思科 Meraki 合作伙伴生态体系旨在携手并赋能合作伙伴,助力企业数字化、智能化转型升级。Meraki 以 “聚势合作迎蝶变 逐梦同行赢未来”为主题,面向大中华区的合作伙伴召开Meraki 合作伙伴会议,共同探讨疫情后经济与行业发展趋势及企业数字化转型策略等重要主题,以及我们如何一起创新变革、抓住机遇、冲击未来,为客户乃至整个社会创造更大价值。 为此,我们为您精心规划合作伙伴会议议程,包括高层管理人员交流、渠道战略和最新技术等内容,旨在帮助您继续保持竞争优势。
2020年11月03日下午2:00 – 4:00, 诚挚期待您的莅临。
14:00 – 14:10 思科 Meraki “聚势合作迎蝶变 逐梦同行赢未来” 合作伙伴会议 开场
14:10 – 14:20 Meraki 渠道策略、政策分享
14:20 – 14:40 客户案例分享
14:40 – 15:00 Partner Executive Sharing
15:00 – 15:45 Meraki 简捷 IT 产品和促销活动更新
15:45 – 15:50 有奖竞猜
15:50 – 16:00 结语
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