Physical security systems are important tools for organizations needing to create safe and secure environments. Most of these solutions are made up of various components with a limited view of the environment. The access control system can tell you that Brad’s badge was used to open the north door at 8:35 am, but it has no way of knowing if it was actually Brad. Security cameras can show you someone came in, but not which badge was scanned. Having integrated systems is key to creating the holistic view of security that organizations need in order to thrive.
Unfortunately, traditional systems make this convergence challenging, and this leaves organizations vulnerable and in the dark. Adding to the challenge, physical security needs have also become more complex with time. New use cases like social distancing, asset protection, and lockdowns have arisen. It is crucial that organizations have flexible and agile platforms that can quickly adapt to meet the security needs of today and tomorrow. Traditional, on-premise security systems don’t make this easy. A smart, cloud-based platform like Meraki does.
Best-of-breed systems to secure and safeguard
MV smart cameras are a powerful security tool for organizations, but they are just one part of a complete physical security solution. While exploring physical access control solutions, Bret Hull, CTO at Meraki, explains why Openpath was the natural choice. “By partnering with Openpath, Meraki has found a rare opportunity to bring together two companies whose product development philosophy is rooted in shared beliefs around simplicity and security. This is why we’ve chosen them as our preferred access control partner.” What Meraki has done for security cameras, Openpath has done for physical access control, and this integration combines best-of-breed systems to secure and safeguard your organization.
The integrated solution, powered by the Meraki cloud platform, provides open APIs and a rich ecosystem of apps and partners across IoT and networking domains. Like Meraki, the Openpath platform is also designed with an open API architecture. Both platforms are easy to deploy, with flexible configuration options, remote cloud-based management, and unrivaled network and cyber security safeguards. Customers can apply this solution to use cases such as asset protection, emergency lockdown, social distancing, compliance auditing, business intelligence, and more. Compared to legacy or all-in-one solutions, Meraki and Openpath offer a premium, easily customizable and adaptable solution to meet a variety of business needs.
The partnership brings together real-time video and access control, giving customers a more complete picture of their environment. The Openpath Visual Activity Report ties together Meraki video footage with access control events, allowing organizations to audit activity and ensure that badge credentials match the person who is entering. Openpath alerts are made more powerful with linked video or snapshots, allowing administrators to quickly investigate and validate events.
An agile platform for current and future needs
The Meraki and Openpath integration provides customers with a convergence of cyber security, physical security, and business intelligence, enabling them to do more with less.
“This partnership gives organizations the benefit of a more complete, agile platform, which improves security and efficiency across the board,” said Openpath President James Segil. “Making day-to-day processes easier, faster, and more personalized is key to adapting quickly to ever-changing needs, and these two cloud-based solutions at the forefront of innovation are pivotal to achieving that flexibility.”
At the University of Virginia’s Biocomplexity Institute, the Meraki and Openpath integration is an integral part of their remote security management. Linking Openpath access activity with Meraki video footage enhances asset protection at the facility, providing better awareness of who is accessing the building and when, without physically being on site. To learn more about how this new integration can benefit your organization, visit Openpath on the Meraki Marketplace to request a demo, or reach out to your Meraki rep.