As organizations move away from reacting to unprecedented circumstances and into the future, there has been a big focus on how to advance technology in spaces where business, learning, governing, and creating happens. The idea of creating smarter spaces where work gets done is not new, but what does “smarter” mean and where does it make sense to start? 

Pivoting to sustainability

When deciding how to approach smart spaces for your organization, a major factor to consider is sustainability. The 2022 EY US CEO Survey finds that chief executives are maintaining growth strategies while pivoting toward ESG [environmental, social, and governance] and sustainability.” In addition, “A majority of U.S. chief executives (82%) see ESG as a value-driver to their business over the next few years, and virtually all have developed a sustainability strategy.” But executing and scaling these types of initiatives can be a challenge. 

Start with the data center

While clearly top of mind, organizations don’t fully understand where to start on their sustainability journey—mostly because it’s difficult to quantify the ROI and environmental impact from many of these initiatives. 

For many, it’s about tackling the most impactful, loudest issues first. The data center is the hub of any business, and anyone who manages and maintains a data center knows that it can be the biggest consumer of energy. Some of these facilities have existed for decades, with only piecemeal improvements and updates made when the budget allows. But with sustainability and energy efficiency becoming a priority for business leaders and consumers, these changes cannot afford to wait.

Six tips for success

That’s why we recently published a whitepaper outlining six ways that IT leaders can reduce their carbon footprint by making changes to data centers. These ideas range from layout changes within the space to rethinking what it means to be within ideal temperature ranges for the environment (it all starts with considerations for HVAC). Operations teams will find these approaches helpful for reaching their sustainability goals in both the short and long term.

These benefits extend even further to CFOs who realize cost savings, HR teams that promote a green company to attract better talent, and other teams that are focused on IT transformation, sustainability, and corporate reputation. These factors present a great opportunity for groups across the organization to work together to find success. Here at Meraki, we want to be a part of this effort to help everyone reach their energy efficiency goals.

Check out the whitepaper, “Six Ways for IT Leaders to Reduce Their Carbon Footprint,” for a tangible and quantifiable path toward sustainability.