In the latest Meraki Unboxed podcast Episode 18: Meraki APIs + Technology Partners = new integrated solutions, we invite technology partner Armis to talk about a newly featured solution on the Meraki Marketplace focused on IoT security. Armis’ turnkey solution natively integrates with the Meraki platform to provide visibility into the devices and software on your network, analyze their behavior, and automatically block suspicious or malicious devices.
In this episode we discuss the proliferation of enterprise and industrial IoT devices such as forklifts, HVAC, medical devices, POS terminals or price scanners, printers, etc. Listen in to learn how these IoT devices pose security threats on the network and how Armis’ solution can help mitigate these risks.
We’re proud to showcase this example of how the open and extensible Meraki platform can power native integrations with other technologies. For more information about Armis or our other technology partners, visit the Meraki Marketplace.