Meraki enterprise-grade solutions can be used to simplify networking for organizations of any size. From multinational corporations with hundreds of branches to a single-site operation, the deployment possibilities are endless.
One nautical example of Meraki for small business is the Royal Victoria Yacht Club (RVYC) in British Columbia.
The oldest yacht club in Western Canada, RVYC is a bustling hub for sailing, training, moorage, and social events. With 3 buildings, around 1,000 members, and 0 dedicated IT staff, their volunteer committee turns to Meraki for simple, reliable network management.
The Club first adopted Meraki cloud-managed MX60 Security Appliances to protect their LAN. Quickly enamored by the simplicity of dashboard and the granular remote management capabilities, RVYC soon deployed MS220 Switches and MR18/MR66 Wireless Access Points as well. Switches and APs are located in Club buildings as well as in electrical boxes out on docks to provide property-wide WiFi coverage and enhanced visibility into all aspects of their network.
The RVYC: fiber optic cables run under docks to provide WiFi coverage over land and water
RVYC now benefits from many tools provided by Meraki cloud management, including automatic email alerts to inform volunteers about network status, 3-click Auto VPN to securely connect 3 buildings, content filtering for their family-friendly campus, traffic shaping to separate guest and admin traffic, business intelligence provided by CMX location analytics, device enrollment tracking with Meraki MDM, and more.
“All our costs come out of membership dues,” Terry Pettigrew, volunteer IT manager, shared. “We have saved tens of thousands of dollars in time and labor costs with Meraki.”
Intrigued? Learn more about how the Royal Victoria Yacht Club is using the Meraki solution to support a mobile point-of-sale system, automated meter reading, event WiFi, and more by joining us for a live webinar tomorrow at 11:00 am PT: sign up here.
Hope to see you there!
Sea of lights: one of the many events hosted by RVYC