Managed Service Providers (MSPs) look to Cisco Meraki for intuitive multi-site management of customer networks, and are keen to fine-tune their customers’ overall experience. When we announced new features for MSPs, customized branding of the Cisco Meraki dashboard was a key enhancement. We’ve now expanded branding options: in addition to modifying dashboard logos, Organization Admins can configure multi-layered policies that apply to all components of the dashboard’s Get help page, support case visibility, and knowledge base search. These policies enable MSP network admins to hide, edit, or replace default Meraki dashboard information.

The dashboard’s Get help page (accessible via Help > Get help) allows network administrators to search the Meraki knowledge base and product manuals, or to contact Meraki Support via phone or a submitted case:

The default dashboard “Get help” page functionality is now customizable.


Now, MSP network administrators can apply layered branding policies — such as hiding the Get help page entirely — to individual service customers (identified by tag or name). Policy options for the Get help page also include:

  • Providing customized, service-specific search content that replaces the built-in Meraki knowledge base

  • Presenting custom content instead of the default Meraki product manuals

  • Linking directly to preferred service provider help desks, rather than Meraki Support


Additionally, branding policies allow MSP network admins to hide access to Meraki’s knowledge base via universal dashboard searches, and to hide or replace the Help > Cases dashboard functionality.

A policy named “MSPInc Base” applied based on network tag.


Once policies have been created for different customer admins, they can be managed in the Organization > Branding dashboard page.

Easily see details of rebranding policies and which dashboard admins they are applied to.


Branding policies are evaluated from top to bottom, with each policy building up changes from the default policy (listed first) and bottom-most policies taking priority over top-most ones.

With these enhancements, MSPs now possess the flexibility to target branding towards customer service level tiers. That is, premium service customer dashboards can be branded with a designated logo and offer unique, premium help desks and documentation.

Ultimately, Meraki’s MSP features are designed for partners to deliver managed services that are profitable and easily scalable, and to enable intuitive per-customer, per-region, and per-site configuration.


Availability and more information

MSPs can enable branding policies for their networks by contacting Meraki Support. For additional information on Meraki’s MSP features, please check out the MSP white paper. Note: Meraki dashboard branding options are only available to qualified MSPs.