Over the past two weeks, all of us at Meraki have been following the news about the earthquake in Haiti and trying to find ways to help. It’s hard to imagine what daily life is like for the millions who were affected, but we hope the international community’s aid efforts will help re-build the country as quickly as possible.
As a company, we wanted to do our part to contribute to the relief efforts. Last week, we sent a shipment of outdoor and solar APs to Partners in Health who have set up ten satellite connected clinics throughout Haiti. We hope these APs will help connect the thousands of doctors and relief workers in the months ahead.
If you’re not already familiar with PIH (www.pih.org) from Tracy Kidder’s book Mountains beyond Mountains, it’s worth checking out the website at pih.org to see all the work they’ve done in Haiti over the past 20 years. I was first introduced to the organization by one of their active volunteers, Paul English (the co-founder of Kayak.com) who I met at the World Economic Forum in 2008. I have since come to admire PIH and its founder Dr. Paul Farmer deeply – their relentless drive to improve the health of Haitians is nothing short of inspiring.
Partners in Health is doing courageous work, and if you’re looking for a way to help Haiti, please consider making a donation to their cause. I’m confident it’ll be put to good use.
– Posted by Sanjit Biswas